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Space Shuttle - STS 64 (064) - Discovery (019)  

Nutzlast & Experimente

Deployable Payloads
Coordinated Observations - Ulysses (SPARTAN-201-02)
weitere Infos (GSFC/NASA)

Attached PLB Payloads
Robot Operated Materials Processing System (ROMPS)
LIDAR In-Space Technology Experiment (LITE)
weitere Infos (LaRC/NASA)
Shuttle Plume Impingement Flight Experiment (SPIFEX)
Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue (SAFER)
Trajectory Control Sensor (TCS)

Crew Compartment Payload
Air Force Maui Optical Site Calibration Test (AMOS)
weitere Infos (AMOS Air Force Research Laboratory)
Military Applications of Ship Tracks (MAST)
Solid Surface Combustion Experiment (SSCE-7)
Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment (SAREX/ARISS)
weitere Infos (American Radio Relay League, Inc.)
Biological Research in Canisters (BRiC)

Getaway Special (GAS)
Get Away Special Program (GAS)
weitere Infos (SSPP/NASA)
Measurements of the Earth's upper atmosphere in the ultraviolet (G-178)
weitere Infos (GSFC/NASA)
Distillation Experiment, Float Zone Instability Experiment, Pachamama, Bubble Interferometer Experiment (G-254)
weitere Infos (GSFC/NASA)
Sound affects to dust particles in near-zero gravity (G-325)
weitere Infos (GSFC/NASA)
Reproduction of Parameciums, Effect of microgravity on surface interaction of different liquids, Surface interaction of solids and liquids under microgravity conditions (G-417)
weitere Infos (GSFC/NASA)
Superconducting material and the boiling phenomenon under microgravity (G-453)
weitere Infos (GSFC/NASA)
Crystallization or the formation of materials under microgravity (G-454)
weitere Infos (GSFC/NASA)
Electrophoresis in microgravity (G-456)
weitere Infos (GSFC/NASA)
Feasibility of depositing different materials in a microgravity and vacuum environment (G-485)
weitere Infos (GSFC/NASA)
Orbiter Stability Experiment (G-506/OSE)
weitere Infos (GSFC/NASA)
QUESTS-2 (G-562)
weitere Infos (GSFC/NASA)
Sample Return Experiment (SRE)
weitere Infos (GSFC/NASA)

Special Payload Mission Kits
Remote Manipulator System (RMS 201)



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