« Chronologie »
ISS - ISS VC-3 (035) - Sojus U (686)  

Nutzlast & Experimente

Experimente ("Marco Polo")
Medizinische & biologische Forschung (ESA)
weitere Infos (ESA)
Obtaining the data on the radiation safety of cosmonauts. Determining the level of radiation protection in working compartments of ISS RS more precisely (ALTEINO)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Demonstration of the ability of the portable device to measure cosmonaut's arterial pressure and heart rate during space flight (BMI)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Obtaining the data needed to develop measures to prevent adverse effects of space flight on ISS crew health and working capacity (CHIRO)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Verifying the functionality of the new integrated garment system VEST in space flight environment (VEST)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)

Experimente (M. Shuttleworth)
Medizinische & biologische Forschung (M. Shuttleworth)
weitere Infos (M. Shuttleworth)
Obtaining data which allow to develop a new method for evaluating energy inputs during various physical exercises and to update the strategy for cosmonauts' physical training (CCE)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
The effect of a Microgravity environment on autonomic cardiovascular control, energy expenditure and muscle characteristics (CCE)
weitere Infos (M. Shuttleworth)
The effect of a microgravity environment on autonomic cardiovascular control, energy expenditure and muscle characteristics (CCE)
weitere Infos (M. Shuttleworth)
Biotechnologische Experimente (M. Shuttleworth)
weitere Infos (M. Shuttleworth)
An evaluation of space flight factors impact on the viability and development of embryonic and stem cells (ESCD)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Embryo & Stem Cell Development Project (ESCD)
weitere Infos (M. Shuttleworth)
Experiment: Embryo & Stem Cell Development (ESCD)
weitere Infos (M. Shuttleworth)
X-ray analysis data of protein crystals will be used to develop new-generation medicines (SPC)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Soluble Protein crystallization (SPC)
weitere Infos (M. Shuttleworth)
Experiment: Crystallisation of soluble FceRII and FcgRIII under microgravity conditions (SPC)
weitere Infos (M. Shuttleworth)
Erforschung von Erdressourcen (M. Shuttleworth)
weitere Infos (M. Shuttleworth)
The results obtained during the mission will allow to evaluate the role and scope of effects the atmospheric, hydrophysical and geological factors have on biological production processes in the waters of the oceans surrounding African coast (Plankton-Linza-SA)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Pädagogische und humanitäre Projekte (M. Shuttleworth)
weitere Infos (M. Shuttleworth)
An educational program to demonstrate zero-gravity effects to schoolchildren. Video footage taken during the experiment will be used for improving visual aids to make school teaching in South Africa more efficient (Education-SA)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
First African in Space project (Education-SA)
weitere Infos (M. Shuttleworth)

Experimente (3. russische Besucher-Crew)
Medizinische & biologische Forschung (RKK)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
A study of biochemical status of humans in space flight (Biotest-1)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Technische Forschung (RKK)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)
Development test of the technology for plasma spraying-based crystals production (Plasma crystal)
weitere Infos (RKK Energiya)


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