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Brian Harvey
to Ariane and Beyond
Europe's Space Programme

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In Europe's Space Programme - to Ariane and Beyond, author Brian Harvey begins with the fledgling European rocket effort of the 1930s and the key pioneers of the period, examining the significance of the V-2 and the technological advances represented by its development.

He shows how the Russians and Americans put their captured V-2s to work, but the European countries were slower to respond. Both Britain and France developed national space programmes in the 1950s and 1960s and the early attempts at European co-operation for launcher development - ELDO and ESRO - are described.

The formation of the European Space Agency and the origins of the successful Ariane launcher programme are discussed and Europe's subsequent success in the world launcher market, its cutting-edge role in space applications and European manned spaceflight, are all described in detail.

Springer Berlin, 2003, 382 S.
39,54 Euro
ISBN: 978-1-85233-722-3

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