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Piers Bizony
How To Build Your Own Spaceship

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This is a very interesting and informative book about how you could get into the space industry. It describes the problems and pitfalls of sub-orbital, orbital and interplantery spaceflight, and how some of these problems have been solved. It's an easy read (no maths or physics needed), and focusses on the practical (How do you go to the toilet in space?) and business side of things (attacting customers for your sub-orbital flights).

Der Autor
Piers Bizony has written about science, aerospace and cosmology for a wide variety of magazines in the UK and the US. His previous books include 2001: Filming the Future, The Rivers of Mars (shortlisted for the NASA/Eugene M. Emme Award for Astronautical Writing), Starman (a biography of Yuri Gargarin, also a BBC TV programme) and Space: 50, a collaboration between the Smithsonian Institution and HarperCollins, marking the 50th anniversary of Sputnik. His latest project, Atom, will tie-in with a major BBC TV series on the discovery of quantum physics.

Granta Books, 2009
10,90 Euro
ISBN: 978-1-84627-126-7

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