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Tim Furniss, David J. Shayler
Praxis Manned Spaceflight Log 1961-2006

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This flagship work charts a complete chronological log of orbital manned spaceflight. Included are the X-15 "astroflights" of the 1960s, and the two 1961 Mercury and Redstone missions which were non-orbital. There is an image depicting each manned spaceflight, and data boxes containing brief biographies of all the space travelers.

The main text is a narrative of each mission, its highlights and accomplishments, including the strange facts and humorous stories connected to every mission. The resulting book is a handy reference to all manned spaceflights, the names of astronauts and cosmonauts who flew on each mission, their roles and accomplishments.

Springer Praxis, 2007, 500 S.
35,26 Euro
ISBN: 978-0-387-34175-0

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