- Shops - Buch-Tipps - Lehr-/Schulbücher - Kosmologie - Kosmologie (engl. Titel)

Johannes E. van Zyl
Unveiling the Universe

This book includes material on almost every aspect of astronomy, beginning from first principles. It is unique in providing a level of scientific accuracy and detail. It is encyclopaedic in the breadth of its coverage, yet still contains detailed explanations of the underlying theories. With its many colour illustrations it will capture the interest of any reader, and the clear, concise text provides the reader with a fascinating, easy-to-read, and scientifically accurate description of thefundamentals of astronomy.

Springer Berlin, 1996, 324 S.
64,15 Euro
Sondereinband, Kunststoff, w. 383 figs. (some col.)
ISBN: 978-3-540-76023-8

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