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Patrick Moore
The Observer's Year

'The Obser's Year' is likely to become a classic for years to come. It will not 'date' and will appeal to amateur astronomers almost regardless of their experience. There are 365 nights in every year (366 in a leap year!) and from the amateur astronomer's point of view, no two are alike. That is why Patrick Moore has written this book to highlight special objects of interest on every night of the year. He talks about the history of the constellations, double stars, nebulae, the Moon, planets, even the asteroids. Beginning January 1st, he works through the year night by night . . .

Der Autor
Sir Patrick Moore ist im englischen Sprachraum einer der bekanntesten und erfolgreichsten Autoren populärwissenschaftlicher Bücher für den an Astronomie interessierten Laien.

Springer Berlin, 2005, 368 S.
42,75 Euro
ISBN: 978-1-85233-884-8

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