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Lars Lindberg Christensen, Robert A. Fosbury, Martin Kornmesser
15 Years of Discovery

Hubble: 15 Years of Discovery forms a key element of the European Space Agency's 15th anniversary celebration activities for the 1990 launch of the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.

As an observatory in space, Hubble is one of the most successful scientific projects of all time, both in terms of scientific output and its immediate public appeal.

Hubble continues to have an enormous impact by exploiting a unique scientific niche where no other instruments can compete. It consistently delivers super-sharp images and clean, uncontaminated spectra over the entire near-infrared and ultraviolet regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. This has opened up new scientific territory and resulted in many paradigm-breaking discoveries.

To mark the 15th anniversary on 24 April 2005, the European Space Agency presented a series of unique activities in collaboration with partners all over Europe. This included an exclusive, full-length DVD film (one of the most widely distributed documentary films ever)

Der Autor
Lars Lindberg Christensen ist PR-Beauftragter der Internationalen Astronomischen Union, sowie Sekretär ihrer Arbeitsgruppe für das Internationale Jahr der Astronomie 2009. Studierter Astronom, leitet er als Wissenschaftskommunikationsspezialist die Hubble European Space Agency Informationsgruppe, die für PR des Hubble Space Teleskops in Europa verantwortlich ist.

Springer Verlag, 2006, 124 S.
32,05 Euro
Hardcover, 108 illus., 108 in colour
ISBN: 978-0-387-28599-3

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