- Shops - Buch-Tipps - Astrophysik - engl. Titel

Stan Dermott (Hrsg.), H. Fechtig (Hrsg.), Eberhard Grün (Hrsg.), Bo A. S. Gustafson (Hrsg.)
Interplanetary Dust

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This is a handbook on the physics of interplanetary dust, a topic of interest not only to astronomers and space scientists but also to engineers. The following topics are covered in the book: historical perspectives; cometary dust; near-Earth environment; meteoroids and meteors; properties of interplanetary dust, information from collected samples; in situ measurements of cosmic dust; numerical modeling of the Zodiacal Cloud structure; synthesis of observations; instrumentation; physical processes; optical properties of interplanetary dust; orbital evolution of interplanetary dust; circumplanetary dust, observations and simple physics; interstellar dust and circumstellar dust disks.

Written for:

Springer Berlin, 2001, 804 S.
112,30 Euro
Hardcover, w. 242 figs. (4 col. plates)
ISBN: 978-3-540-42067-5

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