- Shops - Buch-Tipps - Astrophysik - engl. Titel

Hyron Spinrad
Galaxy Formation and Evolution

The evolution in the form and structure of galaxies which has taken place since the universe was in its infancy is one of the most closely studied by astrophysicists and cosmologists today. It has profound implications for our understanding of how the universe itself has evolved over the past 12 billion years or so.

This book will discuss the evolution of galaxies in detail, emphasising the boundaries of our knowledge about the most distant galaxies, but demonstrating how it is possible to make important comparisons between nearby galaxies and the most distant current observed. The author will also review galaxy morphology and its likely (but as yet unproven) history.

Table of contents
  • Introduction
  • Which Properties of Galaxies can Evolve
  • Detected Evolutionary Changes at Modest Look-back Times
  • Galaxies at the Contemporary Limits
  • Cosmological Models and Timescales
  • Galaxy Observations in the Near Future.

Springer Praxis, 2005, 200 S.
106,95 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-540-25498-0

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