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Greg Parker
Making Beautiful Deep-Sky Images
Astrophotography with Affordable Equipment and Software

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Amateur astronomers, using commercially available equipment, have taken some beautiful and awe-inspiring color photographs of deep-sky objects. But how?

Professor Greg Parker's astronomical photographs are widely known for their excellence, and a selection of them has recently been shown as a public exhibition in the UK. In Making Beautiful Deep-Sky Images, he provides a detailed account of how spectacular deep-sky images can be taken by amateur astronomers using CCD cameras, and how they can subsequently be processed and enhanced in the "electronic darkroom" for maximum beauty and impact.

You don't even have to own a big telescope. A range of telescopes and equipment is considered in detail, from Greg's 11-inch SCT down to lower-cost instruments.

Quite simply, this is a "how to do it" book for people who want to make stunning astronomical pictures.

Written for:
Amateur and practical astronomers

Der Autor
Professor Greg Parker is Head of the Nanoscale Systems Integration Group at Southampton University in Southern England. His deep sky astronomical images have been published in Astronomy Now and Sky at Night magazines. He is the author of Introductory Semiconductor Device Physics (IOP, ISBN 0750310219), and has written many scientific papers and articles, mostly in the area of photonics and optoelectronics, as well as a chapter (Guided-wave Optical Communications: Materials) in Elsevier’s Encyclopaedia of Materials: Science & Technology.

Springer Berlin, 2007, 224 S.
28,84 Euro
Broschiert, w. 68 col. Photos
ISBN: 978-0-387-71352-6

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