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Lutz D. Schmadel
Dictionary of Minor Planet Names
The Catalogue

Until recently, minor planet name citations were scattered in the astronomical literature, and the origin of many names remained obscure. The IAU Commission 20 in 1988 established a study group to elucidate the meanings of asteroid names. Lateron the author continued in collecting and indexing all new relevant data. In addition to being of practical value for identification purposes, the collection provides a most interesting historical insight into the work of those astro nomers who overtwo centuries vested their affinities in a rich and colourful variety of ingenious names, from heavenly goddesses to more prosaic constructions. This unique catalogue of minor planet names is now for the first time available on CD-ROM. The CD is fitted with a search engine and enables the exclusive access to the regularly updated online version of the catalogue.

 Betriebssystem Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows
 CPU-Typ, Geschwindigkeit Pentium
 Sonstiges Internetaccount, if you want to use our updated titles on the Springer server

Infoprogramm gemäß § 14 JuSchGSpringer Berlin, 1999
63,74 Euro
ISBN: 978-3-540-14814-2

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